Thank you for taking part in this survey. It is about how well the school supports mental health.
The results will help us work towards the Wellbeing Award for Schools. 

For each statement, choose the number that shows whether you:

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither disagree nor agree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

Please answer honestly. Where possible, please explain how you know this and what you would do to make things better. 

I know about the Wellbeing Award for Schools.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

I understand that my child needs to feel happy and secure at school to do well.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

I know who to talk to if someone at the school is worried or unhappy.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Everyone at the school supports each other if they are feeling worried or unhappy.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

The school really cares that everyone has good emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

It is clear that good emotional wellbeing and mental health is important to the school.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

The school encourages parents to talk about how they and their children are feeling.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

I am happy to talk to the school about my feelings.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

I am happy to talk to the school about my child's feelings.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

I feel involved with the school's plans for emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

By completing this survey, you agree to your responses being passed on to the third party Award administrator. The information which will be passed on will be anonymous and purely for the purposes of evaluating and improving the Award. No personal information shall be passed on.