Thank you for taking part in this evaluation of our parent partnership provision.

Mark your choice of rating for each statement using the scale below.

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither disagree nor agree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

Please respond honestly to help identify areas for development.

Where possible, please describe what evidence you have based this rating on and any ideas you might have for improving provision. 
1. The school is welcoming for parents.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

2. The school is good at communicating with parents.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

3. The school helps me support my child's learning.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

4. The school helps me develop my own learning.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

5. The school helps me enjoy learning together with my child.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

6. The school is supportive for new parents.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

7. The school provides helpful information on supporting my child's learning.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

8. The school's policies are easy to read and understand.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

9. I know where to find information about the school's policies.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

10. The school supports parents as children move through or leave the school.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

11. The leaders of the school encourage parents to be involved.

Maximum 700 characters remaining

Maximum 700 characters remaining

By completing this survey, you agree to your responses being passed on to the third party Award administrator. The information which will be passed on will be anonymous and purely for the purposes of evaluating and improving the Award. No personal information shall be passed on.